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Osteopathy (12 +)
Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment aimed at reducing these aches and pains felt throughout the body, thereby improving the overall workings of the joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons to enable your body to work in equilibrium again.
Osteopathic philosophy is a holistic approach to health, and stresses the importance of the musculoskeletal system in a person's health and well-being. The aim of treatment is to support the body's self-healing mechanism. Osteopathy involves soft tissue work, stretching and manipulation of the bones and muscles to help achieve this.
Child Osteopathy (0 - 12 years)
Cranial Osteopathy
Medical Acupuncture/ Dry Needling
Dry Needling is an effective way to eliminate trigger points in tight muscle bands found in many acute and chronic injuries or painful syndromes. It is also used to stimulate healing in chronic tendon problems such as Achilles tendonitis and tennis elbow.
In the case of trigger point treatment, needles are inserted directly into the muscle trigger points. These are overactive areas of muscle and fascia, a tough connective tissue that wraps around most of the structure of the human body.
Typically the needle is inserted into the tight band within the muscle until a 'twitch response' is achieved. Often a number of twitches are achieved within a session. There is then a reflex relaxation and lengthening of the muscle, to create a release in the muscle.
Sports Massage
There are main benefits to Sports Massage, however sports injuries, do not solely involve the muscles alone.
For this reason, we have incorporated a treatment approach that combines the best and most effective Sports Massage and Osteopathic techniques to recognise and treat all the different structures of the body, including ligaments, joints, muscles, tendons, fascia and the central nervous system, to improve the speed of your recovery and to get you back up and running as soon as possible.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release Therapy
Pregnancy Massage
There are many benefits to having regular massage during pregnancy. Patients have reported that it can help, many minor ailments experienced during pregnancy such as achy hips, back pain and swollen legs.
Patients have also reported it can help with the emotional preparation for giving birth.
The Benefits:
Increased Circulation
Massage encourages blood and oxygen and nutrients to circulate around the body better. This assists the work of the heart and lungs, and stimulates the body's defence mechanisms. It also stimulates the release of toxins and other waste products from the body. The boost in circulation is good for baby too.
Increased Sensation
Increased circulation results in improved sensation, particularly in the extremities. As your pregnancy progresses, you might experience numbing of the hands and feet as baby puts pressure on nerves that feed these areas. Massage is great for easing tension and improving sensation to the extremities.
Increased Mobility
Massage can prevent and relieve pain experienced through the lack of use or over use of muscle groups i.e. repetitive strain injury and back pain.
Massage relieves muscular tension, stiffness and spasm. It can also help to improve posture and joint flexibility.
All these benefits are hugely helpful during pregnancy, particularly as the delivery approaches.
Massage calms and slows the heartbeat, lowers the blood pressure and brings a sense of balance and equilibrium to the body.
Massage also improves psychological health. Studies show massage reduces feelings of stress and anxiety, and enhances feelings of well-being. Research shows that calm mothers equal calm babies, as our stress hormones will cross the placental barrier.
Increased Productivity
Massage has been scientifically demonstrated to increase alertness and attention to detail and accuracy. This is helpful as you reach the third trimester and you start to find 'baby brain ' setting in. A lot of new mothers find this frustrating, in the early weeks after the baby is born, therefore this is a wonderful time to have a little extra TLC.
Reflexology is the gentle art form of therapeutic foot massage. It aims to treat the individual as a whole incorporating body, mind and spirit.
Reflexology is a specific pressure technique which works on precise reflex points on the feet, based on the premise that reflex areas on the feet correspond with all body parts.
Pressure is applied to the reflex areas using specific thumb and finger techniques. This causes physiological changes to take place in the body as the body's own healing potential is stimulated.
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